Friday 30 September 2016

Believe it is Possible to Eliminate the Ego - (1154)

Sometimes within ourselves we think that it won't be possible for us to eliminate the ego or just one specific ego.

But it is possible to eliminate the ego. Many have done it and many are doing it!

If we don't first open our mind and heart to that possibility we will always find it difficult and perhaps never actually do it.

Sometimes the ego takes refuge in us not believing we can eliminate it!

When we change and believe that we can do it, a new possibility for a future with that ego opens up inside of us.

We all know this: once we believe we have to act.

End (1154)

Thursday 29 September 2016

Our Wholeness – (1153)


A marvellous missionary in her talk raised this very interesting point. I found it immediately effective. Hence this post.

Fear and Completeness

She was saying that she has passed through so much fear and she was always ended up being ok and that she has always ended up being complete or whole.

She made the point that we are always whole in our essence or consciousness.


My understanding is that when we face certain egos like fear or even self-love or pride, we can feel in the pain that they produce that we are losing something or missing out on something or a piece of us is going to be lost or destroyed but in reality this is not true at all. We end up being complete and we are complete now.

Of course with the work the completeness increase and increase as we advance dissolving the ego and realising more and more of the Being, thus integrating more of the various parts of the Being into the Father.

The major point is for me is to realise that we are complete straight away when the ego enters into our human machine. We have to connect or be consciousness of our immediate completeness and use this understanding to ward off the ego. This is where this marvellous insight from this marvellous missionary has its power!

End (1153).

Importance of Maturity in Dissolving the Ego – (1152)

Like Children

With some egos we can be exactly like children, where identified with the ego, we throw a temper tantrum wanting what it wants and not caring about the many other very good reasons why we should just that desire go!

Many egos do this, lust does this, self-love does this, resentment does this, jealousy does this, fear does this.

When the instincts and petty emotions are involved and we can’t or don’t want to sacrifice them we are exactly like children.

To be mature is to be able to see that the desires of the ego are whims and that they are not going to benefit ourselves, the situation or all or most of the others.

To be Mature

To be mature is to be able to take a no, to respect other’s will, to be able to sacrifice inferior things for more reasonable things, to be able to see past the short term gains and to the long term benefits, to be able to accept the difficulties of life with strength and understanding, to be able to think of others, to be able to consider others, to be able to sacrifice our silly inferior negative state to rise to the nature of the occasion that we are facing, to be able accept difficulties, show up and take them on the chin with humility but with a firm resolve to solve or better them.


Our essence is mature, it has within it the experience of millennia and so to be mature is to be like our essence. The ego in us is what makes us immature when we identify with it.

Basically when we don’t see that we have to sacrifice, or that we can’t imagine how we are going to get past the difficulty or we can’t see that we are going to be fine within that difficulty then we go into immature mode, but this is not needed. What is needed sometimes with some egos is to think, feel and act mature and take the difficulties as they are and work to better them or make ourselves to feel better within them.

End (1152).

Tree of Life Within – (1151)


A marvellous missionary in her talk on the Being raised this point about the Tree of Life within us and its relationship to our sexual waters.

Connecting to the Tree of Life

The tree of life has its origin within the Absolute. We too have our inner Absolute and it is our chaos or our sexual waters.

The roots of the tree of life within us are in our sexual system. The sexual waters are what provide the nourishment for the tree of life within us. That is why the cleaner and clearer the waters are the better it is for our inner tree of life.

In conclusion to the talk was this point was that the way to connect to our tree of life and our absolute within is with the sexual energy. That is by transmuting it and moving it into and upwards through eh tree of life.


I think that there are major points for us to be aware of here. The first one is that we have a tree of life within us. We have the absolute within us too. The origin of our tree of life is in the sexual waters and when we transmute and work to purify our waters we give our tree of life the best nourishment possible.

Our real work or cosmic duty is to give full life to that tree of life within us and become fully conscious of it.

End (1151).

Many Fornications – (1150)


This point was raised by a marvellous missionary giving a talk in the New Zealand retreat. This was not the title of his talk but was a point that he brought up suing his talk.

It initially struck me as interesting, when I began to think about it, I discovered that what he was saying is right. This post then is about what I understood in relation to his point.

Fornication to do with Mind, Word and Sex

If I remember correctly these were the words that he said. So straight away we are told that we don’t only fornicate by losing the sexual energy physically we fornicate mentally and with our words.

I would dare to say that if we fornicate mentally we also fornicate emotionally and with our will. With a bit of reflection this can be found to be true as well.

To me it seems that fornication is related always to energy in its various forms. In the general sense fornication in Gnostic terms in the psychological and esoteric sense is to waste energy, where that wasted energy produces negative results.

The Word Fornication

If we look at the etymology of the word fornication we will find out that it has related to the burn, or furnace and this makes sense because we a person fornicates on any one of these levels they are burning out their energy supplies. Especially to do with sexual energy, because our sexual energy is our igneous humidity and when that humidity that can be transformed by transmutation into fire is all run out of the body through fornication, we are left dry and burnt out, no energy etc.

I have included below an excerpt from the Gnostic Teachings website ( about the etymology of the word fornication.

Etymology of Fornication

“Originated from: gwher-, meaning "To heat, warm." Derivatives include brand, brandy, forceps, and fornicate.

Zero-grade form *gwhr-. a. burn, from Old English beornan, byrnanbærnan (transitive), to burn; b. brimstone, from late Old English brynstfornicationn, “burning mineral,” sulfur (stfornicationn, stone; see stei-); c. brindled, from Old Norse brenna, to burn. a–c all from Germanic *brennan (intransitive) and brannjan (transitive), formed from *brenw-

a. brand, from Old English brand, piece of burning wood, sword; b. brandy, from Dutch branden, to burn, distill; c. brandish, from Old French brand, sword; d. brandade, from Old Provençal brand, sword. a–d all from Germanic *brandaz, a burning, a flaming torch, hence also a sword.

Suffixed form *gwher-m(n)o-. therm, –therm, thermo-, –thermy; hypothermia, lobster thermidor, from Greek thermos, warm, hot, and thermfornication, heat.

O-grade form *gwhor-. forceps, forcipate, from Latin forceps, pincers, fire tongs (< “that which holds hot things”; -ceps, agential suffix, “-taker”; see kap-).

*gwhor-no-. a. Fornax, furnace, hornito, from Latin furnus, fornus, fornfornicationx, oven; b. probably Latin fornix, arch, vault (< “vaulted brick oven”): fornicate, fornix.

[Etymology quoted from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language (Fourth Edition, 2000).]

It is common to read that fornication is derived from the Latin fornix.

fornic or fornix (Latin): plural: fornices. A vault or archway.

In Roman times, brothels were called "fornices," seemingly because prostitutes could be hired near the "arches" of certain buildings. Thus, it is said that the word fornication appeared (ca. the year 1303) to describe a sexual act with a prostitute. Yet, this word "fornices" is also related to the word "furnace," which is a significant symbol in the Bible.

Nonetheless, the most significant relationship here is between gwher, "to burn," and the word fornication.”


So what is important here is to be very mindful that we waste our energy by misusing the mind, emotion, will and word. We have to be very watchful over our use of them and be very interested in not wasting the energies that make these parts of ourselves to function.

End (1150).

What Would Happen if we Put Someone Who Transforms Impressions and Remembers the Being in a Desert? – (1149)


The following excerpt comes from the “El Quinto Evangelio” where Master Samael speaks very pertinently about the transformation of impressions and how if one were placed in a desert how the transformation of impressions and self-remembering would protect and help one.

Excerpt – Power of Transformation of Impressions


“Si colocáramos dos sujetos en un lugar inhĂłspito, con mala alimentaciĂłn, mal ambiente, etc. (el uno que jamás se acuerda de sĂ­ mismo, que vive una vida mecánica, y el otro, que siempre se acuerda de sĂ­ mismo de momento en momento que siempre está acordándose de su propio Ser, que nunca olvida a su Ser ĂŤntimo), pueden ustedes estar absolutamente seguros que el primero morirĂ­a pronto y que el segundo vivirĂ­a a pesar del ambiente inhĂłspito, porque está rodeado de Fuerzas distintas a las de los demás...

Todo el problema de la LIBERACIĂ“N se fundamenta en la TRANSFORMACIĂ“N y la transformaciĂłn tiene por basamento el SACRIFICIO.

Observen ustedes que la vida toda es transformaciĂłn. Gracias a las infinitas transformaciones que se verifican dentro del claustro materno, puede formarse el organismo humano.”


“If we place two subjects in an inhospitable place, with poor food, harsh conditions, etc. (The one that never remembers himself, living a mechanical life, and the other, who always remembers himself from moment to moment, who always remembers his own Being, who never forgets his Intimate Being), you can be absolutely sure that the first one will die soon and the second one will live despite the inhospitable environment, because he/she is surrounded by different forces...

The whole problem of liberation is based on transformation and transformation has as a base SACRIFICE.

you that all life is transformation observed. Infinite thanks to the transformations that are verified within the womb, the human body can be formed.”

Excerpt - A Base for Remembering the Being


“Si mediante la comprensiĂłn del trabajo ustedes pueden aceptar la VIDA COMO TRABAJO, realmente, ESOTÉRICO, entonces estarán en un estado constante de RECUERDO DE SĂŤ MISMOS.”


“If by understanding the work you can accept life as a work, as something really esoteric, then you will be in a constant state of remembering the Being.”

Concluding Comments

If you are stuck in a desert, then the best thing that you can do is remember your Being and transform all the impressions around you.

Furthermore if we see life as a means to work esoterically on ourselves we are in self-remembering or we are remembering our Being to some degree.

End (1149).

The Conditioning of the Past – (1148)


This is a huge area of work for us. We are all severely conditioned by the past. This topic was talked about by my marvellous missionary.

This post goes into the topic of the past showing how we are conditioned by the past and how this conditioning can be undone.

Seeing by Virtue of the Past

We see the events of life from the past, we see people from the past and we see ourselves from the past.

The Past Influences our Perceptions and our Perceptions Produce Actions

Our perceptions are conditioned by the past and as our perception leads to actions, our current actions are conditioned by the past.

The process is:

Perception -> Concepts -> Feeling -> Emotion -> Action.

We talk to people from the past, we open a door according to what happened in the past. We answer the phone according to what happened in the past etc.

When Stuck in the Past

What we do if we are stuck in the past is that we end up projecting our past into our future instead of our present into our future!

Judging by the Past

When we judge others, myself and life by virtue of the past we end up usually coming to negative conclusions.

When judge by virtue of the past we sabotage the present!

Ego and the Past

The ego is memory and it has many memory banks. It in fact lives in the past and feeds off the past.

Only the free essence can see things correctly. For that matter the inner mind is the part in our mind that also sees things correctly.

Resentment, hatred, self-love, lust, jealousy etc. can not live without the past.

The ego needs the past to keep it going in the present.

Karma and the Past

Karma is time, space and memory.

If we were to not have karma, we would have a very different way of speaking because speaking creates much karma.

Because of karma we get attached to the past and act out of it.

It is advisable to not pray with pain from the past, because pain attracts more pain.

We project our karma which is from the past onto the present.

To remove much of the conditioning our essence is subject to, we have to delve into the past.

Removing the Conditioning of the Past

The transformation of impressions is pure Alchemy in the psychological sense or dimension.

We have to transform the past by virtue of transforming values! That is taking the value outside of relativity and duality.

The problem is that we open the door to the past. We answer the present with past and we will answer to the future by today.

If we go into our past we must do so, to work, to transform, that is to dig into it to find material to learn, not to get stuck there, and when we get stuck in the past we get stagnated.

Because the ego lives in the past we will find it there.

End (1148).

About the Destiny of Essences in these End Times – (1147)


The topic of this post was spoken about in the New Zealand retreat, and it was spoken about I believe to give those listening an answer to this question that often worries all of us.


The speaker related an experience that he had while watching the news one afternoon. I think it was the Malaysian airlines incident over the Ukraine that was being reported on.

Suddenly the TV and the room disappeared, and he saw a scene of green pastures with a rainbow in the background and children playing (essences). He understood that the essences that die now in accidents or that will die in the events of the times of the end will be placed by the divine Law in other regions or places where they will be safe and will future lives and perhaps even given chances to start and complete their self-realisation.

He said after this experience he felt a relief and his worries and disquietudes about this died down. Because he knew that all these essences in many beautiful and good people will be looked after and will be ok.

He also said that when an essence is going to die in one of these conflicts the Monad of the essence knows and the essence will be given several other chances, perhaps in another Mahamanvantara. Perhaps we now who have a chance in the work to get our self-realisation were those essences in previous epochs that died in the times of the end. Who knows right?

Practical Conclusion

If we are worried about what will happen with our parents our siblings and the very good and honest people that we meet and know then this experience will help us. Though if there is some good that we can do for them we should do it and not just think that they will be ok.

In other words, we don’t have to be worried about the big picture of people but by the small pictures. Help them out in the small pictures of their lives and if a door is open to help them out in the bigger picture go for it!

End (1147).

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Secret of Pain and the P.P.P – (1146)


This was a talk presented by my marvellous missionary about the principal psychological profile (P.P.P) and the secret of pain. I tis very practical and helpful.

We really need to free ourselves from pain. It is one of the main conditioners or bottlers of our consciousness. In order to awaken our consciousness, we must tackle our pain and liberate it so to be free of it or no longer conditioned by it.

A very beautiful tree just outside the retreat centre.

About the P.P.P

The P. P. P is our best teacher. It is our Being. It represents a huge cosmic value that we must learn about and acquire. The Being pays a high price to obtain this value (the value trapped in the P.P.P).

50% or more of the essence or even 50% of the Being is trapped in the P. P. P.

It is like a psychological philosopher’s stone. The psychological foundation upon which our self-realisation rests.

The most pain we feel comes from the P. P. P. It makes us to feel all the pain that we have inflicted on others. That is the occult source of our pain.

The Secret of Pain

The secret of pain is about values.

Pain is an emotion and a kind of a psychological perception.

It is about somebody causing an imbalance inside of us. It is about a harm or a wound that we feel we have suffered. It is a perception of harm, of unfairness and injustice.

We can not ask someone to co-operate with what is unjust because it is against the light justice of the Being.

The above is the reason why we can not ask someone to co-operate with what is unjust because it is against the nature of one’s own Being.

Karma and Pain

At the very root of it, karma is about self-punishment. It is about ourselves punishing ourselves. Not someone else punishing us.

Karma or pain is the way balance is restored in us. The pain that we feel is the way the pain that we have caused others comes back to us through our own Being and our own essence.

There is no other way that balance can be restored but through pain which is of the same value that we have inflicted on others. We can not expect to inflict pain and be paid back in a different value such as happiness for example, can we?

We must cancel psychological debts as quick as we can before they become kamic debts.

If we want to eliminate resentment we have to eliminate self-love.

The manager of the storehouse of our psychological debts is resentment!

The process goes Pride to Self-Love to Resentment to Hatred.

When all the resentments that we have are organised by the mind into one direction we develop inside of ourselves hatred.

Steps for Radical Dissolution of Pain

Step l.

It is not the other person hurting me! It is me doing it to myself! This realisation is very important!
If someone hurts us it is not the other person hurting us!

Step 2.

Pain is a receiver in us. When we understand this, a large percentage of the work on pain has been done, and we will then be able to stop the creation of resentment.

Step 3.

Why does pain come back to us? Because it is the same value that was inflicted upon others by us beforehand.

This realisation is a cause for celebration because we know what we have done and we know when and how it can be finished off.

We have to cancel all of our debts.

We have to compensate the debt with work upon ourselves!

We have to liberate the perception of pain from pain and suffering. This way we can defeat the law, and also the karmic programming.

We get pain because of how much we pride or appraise that value. When that value that we give is not reciprocated we feel pain because of an imbalance is created.

Step 4.

The reason why we feel pain is due to the loss of a value

Step 5.

We feel more pain depending on who was the one inflicting the pain.

If someone hurts us and yet we don’t have a very high value or regard for that person inside of ourselves, we still got hurt because a value inside of us was hurt, degraded, lost or broken etc.


Pain comes from values being hurt inside of us and the amount of pain that we feel comes from the importance or value or weight that we have placed or invested in that value.

To liberate pain we have o find those values that were hurt and that the importance that we have on those values outside of pain and suffering and perceive and know them in the Being and value them in the Being, not in our personality or person.

End (1146).

New Zealand Retreat Series of Posts – (1146)

An Interesting Retreat

Just last weekend a retreat in New Zealand took place. It was a very interesting retreat where some very helpful talks were presented by many marvellous missionaries.

Marvellous Missionaries

I say marvellous missionaries, because all the missionaries are marvellous due to the very important work for humanity and the planet that they are doing an which the greater majority of humanity would not even wish to dare to contemplate.

During the retreat I took several pages of notes and what I would like to do in the following series of posts is present some of the notes that I took.

End (1146).

Why the Colours of the Alchemy? – (1144)


I was always a bit puzzled by why the colours of the Alchemy were black, white, yellow and red.  The black and the white made perfect sense, though the yellow and red were puzzling for me.

I very naively thought at one point that it was a reflection of the four colours of human beings, the yellow Asiatic, the red Indian, the black African and the white European. I somehow don’t think that this is a very good reason or analogy.

Here below is an interesting excerpt by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov giving an interesting explanation.


“Why do alchemists describe the transformation of matter in the Great Work as a sequence of colours? Because they have observed this sequence with vegetation. Think of fruit trees for example: apart from some nuances – for nature is rich in variety – they pass through a series of colours, and always in the same order. In winter, the trees are black and bare. In spring, they become white with flowers and green with leaves. Then comes summer, and the ripening fruits turn yellow and red. In autumn the foliage turns red and gold, and with red and gold the process is finished. It is the end of the cycle, as it is in the work of alchemy.

Like vegetation, human beings must inwardly pass through all the phases of the alchemical process: they die, then they are reborn, resurrecting with new virtues and powers: new colours.”

End (1144).

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Laws of Correspondence and the Opposites in Human Beings (Beauty) – (1143)


Master Samael mentioned in several of his books the laws of correspondence, opposites and analogies.

This post is a brief look at how the laws of correspondence and opposites applies to human beings.
As brief note, these two laws can be seen operating in human beings in the way the three realities (physical, psychological and esoteric) of human beings relate to one another. Sometimes the three realities correspond and sometimes they are the opposite.

The Roman God Janus

Furthermore, when one of these laws does not apply, it usually directly implies that the other ones applies. For example, if in a human being the psychological does not correspond with the physical the psychological will be the opposite to the physical. If it is not one law that applies, it is the other law that applies.

Laws of Correspondence and Opposites in Relation to Beauty

In relation to beauty there are four types of human beings.

One - Outer and Inner Correspond in Beauty

There are those that are beautiful inside that is within their psychology and are beautiful outside, that is the law of correspondence works making the inner and outer of the person correspond.

Two –Outer and Inner Correspond in Ugliness

There are those that are ugly inside, that is within their psychology (many heavy egos) and they are ugly outside, in their physical appearance. Here the outer and inner correspond.

Three – Outer and Inner are Opposed in Beauty

There are those that are beautiful inside, that is within their psychology, meaning that they have less ego and the values of their essence are active within their psychology. Yet their physical appearance is ugly. The inner and outer of the person stand as opposites.

Four – Outer and Inner are Opposed in Ugliness

There are those that are ugly inside, they have many nasty and heavy egos active in their psychology, yet they are very beautiful in their physical appearance. The inner and outer natures stand as opposite to one another.

Most Common

It seems that the majority of us human beings in the condition in which are in are all ugly inside. Making the types of people two and four mentioned above to be the most common.

It makes sense that really the law of correspondence should rule and so we should all be ugly because our interior is that way however, there are people that are ugly inside and are beautiful outside. Why is this? Also why are there people with a beautiful psychology that are ugly?

Why the Inner and Outer Sides of Human Beings Correspond and are the Opposite

Our Divine Mother is the one that creates our physical body in accordance with the law or our karma. So in relation to the outer and inner being opposite it is because of karma. The karma that the person has does not allow the Divine Mother to create as beautifully as her love may allow.

We never know too, maybe the Divine Mother creates according to what is best for us. We may have the merits to have a beautiful body but the Divine Mother creates otherwise, perhaps for our good.

It is the love of our Divine Mother that if the law allows it to create a beautiful body for us even when our psychology or egos are very ugly.

When there is Mostly Essence the Law of Correspondence in Human Beings Applies

In general when we are mostly essence, that is free essence and little or less egos (“I’s”) what we have in our psychology is acted out in here in the physical world.

For example, if we are strong in our psychology we will be energetic and strong here physically.

When their Mostly Ego the Law of Opposites in Human Beings Applies

In general, when we are mostly ego, the law pf opposites always tends to apply. For example, the case of ‘control freaks’ where we appear very strong and in charge physically but within our psychology we are full of weakness that is behind that strong and in charge behaviour.

End (1143).

We All Want Consciousness from Others so why not be Conscious Ourselves! – (1142)


We certainly want others to be conscious! This is because we all somehow know that being conscious is when we are at our best or give our best.

We are at our best when we are conscious, because we are all present. What we have of essence is all concentrated and engaged in the task at hand, and only the best can come out of that.

We Want our Doctor, our Mechanic, our Friends, our Family, our Spouse etc. to be Conscious

We want our doctor to be perceptive and alert during our consultation. We want him or her to notice and pick up the unseen and know exactly how to heal us.

We want our mechanic to pin point the exact fault and prevent any future faults. We want our mechanic to the best job by paying the utmost attention to detail (no distractions) while servicing our car.

We want our lawyer to know that we can win the case.

We want all the drivers on the road to see us and know that we are driving by and be careful.

We want our friends and spouses to know what is wrong with us without us having to say anything.

We want our family members to attend to the needs of the household without being told and we want others to look after themselves without us needing to help them.

We want others not to suffer, and for them not to suffer means for them to be conscious.

After these Observations

After these observations I come to the conclusion that we want others to be conscious and we easily forget to apply that to ourselves. I think that must be reordered or rebalanced, because we have the knowledge and comprehension that being conscious is best and that is the way we should all be. So why not apply this to ourselves and we ourselves live it and include ourselves into this comprehension? In other words, make it our job! Demand it from ourselves more than ever.

You know consciousness is a value, if we demand it we must be prepared to give it. We can't just take and take or demand and demand and not give. Life does not work that way.
End (1142).

Monday 26 September 2016

When Treated Harshly – (1141)


It is pretty tough to be treated harshly. We naturally want it to end as fast as possible. Sometimes it doesn’t. This post gives some ideas on what we can do.


We may look up and ask “why, why am I being treated this way when all I have done is help, though true I did something that triggered it but it was not that bad that I get treated like this for so long.”.

The answer here is that we are paying a karma or perhaps going through a test, especially if it is blatantly unjust. Most likely though, it is karma. So be happy, we are cancelling a karmic debt and soon we will be free from it.

Tough Gymnasium – What do I do?

A very interesting and true point is that what is more important than trying to please the person or fix it, is how we are inside of ourselves. The best and the only thing that we really must seek is to not think negatively or feel negatively towards them!!!

No Negative Thoughts or Feelings

If we are not entertaining negative thoughts and are not attacking them in our mind, then we don’t have to do anything special here physically. We don’t have to buy them a present or clean their car or do this or that to help them (sometimes it makes it worse anyway). Don’t worry! Just wait for the moment to arise to talk naturally to them about this or that, and make sure to not allow ourselves to worry especially that we are not doing enough or not doing well or that we are bad.

What Matters is Giving them a Good Internal Treatment

Master Samael says what is more important is how we treat others internally, that is within our mind and emotion.


So when treated terribly for a short or long or even prolonged period of time, don’t get nervous or worried, just do your best to not think or feel negatively and you are doing the best thing to pay that karmic debt off. Also if there are some recognised egos there work on them, the harder the better so to pay off that karma quicker. Of course if there are some good works that you can do, do them, being careful not to overdo it.

End (1141).

Controlling our Path – (1140)


This is such a common thing for all Gnostics to do.
Using the mind we create expectations of our work, we create a schedule or a time line so to speak.
These expectations are the same goals that are behind all types of controlling tendencies, which has been mentioned in an earlier post.

Let Go of the Mind Because the Being is There

Of course when our actual progress does not fit into the mental scheme or plan that we have created, there is a lot of suffering.
What we have to realise is that it is our Being that is setting the pace and the goals, and this should immediately calm our suffering. Because then the progress is really his through us.
We though should not just nothing, we have to keep fighting, doing our best and let our Being take care of his business which is His progress, and not so much our business. Our business is to stay as awake as possible.

End (1140).

Controlling People’s Hearts – (1139)


A very tricky business is the subconscious desire to control the affection or even the heart of others.

I want to ask: “can we control the heart of another?”.

We feel that we can and we think we can, but real life shows us that we can’t. We can’t because we may have tried and what happened? It didn’t work and there was suffering and upset feelings for all.

Goal of the Desire to Control the Heart of Another

The desire and goal behind this control is “to occupy a place in the person’s heart”. We feel that we are not in their heart and so with the belief that we can actually control another person’s heart we start to do things that pressure the person and that are designed to make them happy so to like us or put us into their heart and that way we try to control or we go to the other side trying to make them feel guilty for not having us in their heart. “How cruel, cold, unfair and selfish that is” we say.

Just on the side; self-love, self-importance and jealousy do this often, or rather try to do this often.

Drop the Goal

Once again imagine we drop this goal of wanting to be in their heart, and leave that to our and their Monad.

We can’t control the heart of another. Even the person his or herself can not control their very own heart to begin with, (we can’t control who we love and don’t love beyond the general love we feel for all essences). What if we did that, that is relate normally to the person and wait for the heart to speak or what we are wanting or waiting for to come to us, and if not we can’t do anything about it and maybe the other person can not do anything about it anyway.

Once again if we trust in our Being, and allow it to fix things and arrange things, and rest in that. IT is worth knowing that when there is a heart to heart relationship, there is a Monad to Monad relationship and so we can relax as the Monads or Beings are in control of that, not us we don’t have to control because they take care of it.

If we lose something the key is that: we only ever have in our life what we need. If we don’t have it anymore maybe it is because we don’t need it.

End (1139).

Trying to Control Can Lead to Suffering – (1138)


This post is inspired from an email a friend sent in response to the previous post about ‘control freaks’.

In many cases the title of this post rings true. If I look into my life I see that it is mostly right.

There are some cases where we end up quite happy because everything went our way, but we can’t guarantee that it will be that way in the future.

I think that any Gnostic would not want things to go their way because that is a tremendous weakness and it essentially means we are not open to the new and we are not open to the real and if that is the case how can we ever expect to embrace our Being when it is outside of our control and is the real in us and is of the real, the great reality.

We try to exert control in many areas of life. From trying to control external events to people’s hearts to the progress of our own path. Once again trying to control these areas and more, leaves us suffering.

No Control without a Goal

There can be no control without there being a goal of some kind. Whenever we control we certainly have a goal. This we may know and this we may not be fully aware of.

This point tells us that to eliminate control over this and that we have drop our goals or ideals or standards or narrow desires. That is the key, and at times ‘easier said than done”.

Control and Epigenesis

We may think that the faculty of epigenesis is to be a ‘control freak’ but that is not so. The faculty of epigenesis is of the consciousness and to be a ‘control freak’ is of the conditioned will and is a weakness.

A ‘control freak’ wants to do what epigenesis does but it can not, because his/her will is conditioned, our will must be free to determine circumstances. A person using epigenesis wishes to determine circumstances for conscious reasons, a 'control freak' wishes to determine circumstances always for for selfish reasons.

Next Two Posts

I am going to use the next two posts to finish off this topic of the controlling. One will be to do with controlling people’s hearts and the other to do with controlling the progress of our path.

End (1138).

Friday 23 September 2016

Control Freaks - Often Unliked but they Suffer – (1137)

Let’s Face it

People don’t usually like very controlling people. People usually run from them.

'Control Freaks' clash often with people, it seems that they spend most of their life involved in clashes. The worst clashes are when one ‘control freak’ comes in contact with another ‘control freak’.

This happens so often in life, because people in certain areas or even in all areas have that tendency towards control.
I think it is worth giving a definition of a ‘control freak’ because it can be a little bit of a tricky issue.

What’s Wrong with Being a ‘Control Freak’ when Control is Necessary?

Certainly and no one can deny this, to a degree, control over one’s environment is needed. For example, a judge must have a certain control over the proceedings in his or her court, a surgeon must be in control of the operating theatre, a military general must be in control of the armed forces assigned to him or her and a lecturer must have some control over his or her lecture room which includes the respect of the audience. If the control that I have mentioned is not present, disorder usually results and things don’t go and end well.
In the examples given above: the wrong sentence may be arrived at, the surgery is a botch-up, lives are uselessly lost and there are a lot of disappointed listeners.
In all these examples and in countless others, the control that a person has in such an environment and activity comes from a common understanding and respect from all those involved. For example, a surgeon has control because it is given, out of respect for the surgeon’s skills and out of the understanding that the surgeon must be in control for the benefit of the patient, because they know well that it is essentially the skills of the surgeon that will help cure the patient.

So What is a ‘Control Freak”

A ‘control freak’ is one that controls others over the ‘what is necessary’ limit, and does this due to vested egoical interests. A control freak is also one that controls without commanding respect or has not won the trust and confidence of others yet to wield such command and control.

A 'control freak' takes control when it has not been given or should not be taken. 

They Appear Strong Yet... are They?

Certainly ‘control freaks’ appear strong, but hiding behind their strong and in control appearance and behaviour are weaknesses.
The law of opposites applies here, rather than the law of correspondence.
These weaknesses are many and in general they are to do with fear, pride, attachment, jealousy, selfishness and in general, any ego that has strong desires, it could even be gluttony for example that in its environment of eating can make a person very controlling, controlling for example the menu and the quantities.
A typical ‘control freak’ is one who has strong: pride, fear, attachment, jealousy and selfishness.
The one who is being controlled appears weak, a ‘zero’, a ‘yes person’ and a ‘ninny’ ‘without a voice’ yet behind that façade there may well be certain strengths that a ‘control freak’ lacks.
When mothers who are ‘control freaks’ see their children being controlled they suffer immensely, because they believe that “to not be in control is to not be a person”, yet their children are still people and perhaps stronger than we all think.

So are you a Control Freak?

In some areas yes, in some other areas no (I am a control freak in certain areas, and I know others who are too). To be cured we first have to recognise that we have the illness.
In general, where pride and fear are present there is the tendency to be one or the tendency to exert control.

Indications we are a ‘Control Freak’

The following list can give us a good indication if we are one or are at least very controlling or have the tendency to be one. That’s strange we can think that it is good to be controlling and we can be secretly proud of that because we feel to be more of a person.
Please note, anyone can be a control freak, even the household cat can be very controlling and there are ‘out there’ control freaks and then there are subtle ‘control freaks’ that use very subtle manipulative ways to control things.

  • Our ideas are best
  • We only talk
  • Rarely listen
  • Always have a definite inflexible plan (and it is the best of course)
  • Always suggesting (a smart control freak suggests) and telling others what to do
  • Others are lacking or are weak
  • Scared of certain social events
  • Care what others think
  • Insecure with others
  • Things have to be done right
  • Make others to change when we are the same or are just as weak
  • Think others like us micro-managing/guiding them
  • Must be seen and behave as my self-image dictates
  • Inner life of thoughts and emotions lacks order
  • Can’t stand not knowing and hate ambiguity about a situation
  • You change who you are and what you stand for to impress others or get others to accept or like you (control others concept of you)
  • Use fear inspiring tactics to control what people do (obvious or subtle)

Why are we a ‘Control Freak’?


Pride is the big factor behind being a control freak as you can see from the above indications.
There is really a lot behind it. What is behind it are certain needs that make controlling the next logical step, which is just really an effect of having those needs.
People use control as a way to determine the outcome of events so that certain needs in us are met.


Fear is behind control in many instances. We think that we won't be able to cope if what we fear happens, we fear that the pain will be too much, and so we have to do whatever possible to stop that from happening. This could include changing circumstances, changing events, changing people’s minds, changing the impressions we give people, getting closer to people so they won’t reject us, moving: people, times, venues, changing agreed upon plans, modifying various details etc. etc. All because we really think that we won’t be able to cope with the situation that we fear.
Depending how radical we want to be we can in our questioning of fear go all the way to see what will happen to us if the worst thing that we fear were to happen. Once you see what will happen what about trying to accept that. Fear is always about the unacceptable, to end fear we have to make the unacceptable in us acceptable. Seeing three bad things about what we fear and three good things about we fear changes our attitude towards what we fear.


There is very often pride behind ‘control freaking’. It is there, in that, deep down we can't accept that we are going to be second, and this is because we have the value that we give to ourselves as being highly dependent on being first, we think that if we are not first we are no good at all, we feel that our whole existence depends on being first, but we are an essence that is not first or second or any place, but only what it is, which is a divine particle and what is divine has already made number one which is the unity with everything else. Only the Divine can unite into number one – the absolute unity.
Also pride thinks that to control is strong, but it is really weak and pride does not see that. The stronger an ego is the weaker we are. The more dependent we are. A ‘control freak’ is so narrow and so limited that he or she can only tolerate a small sliver of event unfoldings and if things differ from that, the ‘control freak’ melts down. ‘Control freaks’ veer from reality, because in reality everything happens and things always go wrong to some degree from big time wrong or slightly wrong.

Recognise a Control Freak and Don’t Feed One

To be awakened is to see what traits people have and from experience it is not too good to feed a ‘control freak’ because there will certainly come a time when you have to escape the control of a ‘control freak’ maybe only just once, but you will have to. And if the you have fed the ‘control freak’ for a long time they will get so very upset and make your life inconveniently difficult for a long time. But we were the blind turkey that did not see it coming.
That could even include ourselves, don’t feed the ‘control freak’ inside you. Give people freedom. Because if you don't my goodness, a day will come when you will be suffering and feeling hurt.

Unfortunate Fate of ‘Control Freaks’

People in general don’t like to be micro-managed or put under the thumb of another, and so after a while a very controlling person often gets known for being a control freak and faces the fate of many with that trait which is some deliberate exclusion or displacement and not being told anything - 'left out of the loop'.
I have seen this happen so many times, one control freak isolates another and then there is resentment and grudges and problems and the displaced control freak changes tactics and the same happens all over again until the displaced control freak retires with his or her tail between his or legs.
This is quite painful and hurts and is unfortunately the best medicine for a ‘control freak’, this is the only way to help a ‘control freak’ realise that they actually are a control freak, and for the sake of harmony, unity, inclusion and to win back the trust of others one must change one’s ways. Let go, surrender, let people be free, give, and if others take it good, if not continue to give, concentrate on what is our business which is ourselves and our inner work and our Being. We will be rewarded for that work and for what we have freely offered (not imposed), even if it was not taken.

Be Like Water and Trust in the Inner Divinity

Sometimes we have to go with the flow of things and surrender to the Being in us to help us to get through the event. Sometimes it is good to put the event in the hands of our Being and surrender it to them (inner Father-Mother).
Feel at peace put yourself into their arms and say "may this event unfold according to the course that you wish for it to take." If it is painful, then it is for a good reason. Our Being may want that we learn, or clear some karma.
‘Control Freaks’ lack trust in their Being. Things are never as bad as we think that they are or will be.
I get scared to see myself ‘control freaking’ because it means there is a lack of adaptability and there is fear there, and that is a big weakness.
‘Control freaks’ have a hard time doing the will of their Being, because they are always doing their own will and imposing their own will and not letting others fulfil the will of their Beings.
‘Control freaks’ interfere with the the will of others and the will of the Beings of others and that is not good! Not good! They squash the heart of others! Don't do that!
If we are a ‘control freak’ because we are scared of being controlled, we don’t have to worry because no one controls us if we don’t want to be controlled. We don’t have to be control freak to prevent ourselves from being controlled.
End (1137).